Design-Build for Transportation & Aviation
Design-build plays a vital role in building our nation’s transportation and aviation infrastructure and delivering transformative infrastructure projects to communities nationwide. Owners, contractors and consultants from throughout the nation will gather at the 2024 Design-Build for Transportation/Aviation Conference to learn and engage.
Hourly Schedule
Thursday, April 18
- 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- Cleveland’s Opportunity Corridor: From Conception to Completion
- After nearly two decades of planning, design and construction, the Opportunity Corridor is complete. This new 3.5-mile, multi-modal, urban boulevard has improved access and mobility within the area and is supporting Cleveland’s redevelopment efforts within historically underserved, economically depressed neighborhoods. These turn-of-the-century neighborhoods have been in economic decline since the 1970s, leaving the area spotted with abandonment, brownfields, illegal dumping. The collaborative project was guided by a broad-based steering committee. With early identification that primary project impacts would be specifically to environmental justice populations, ODOT embarked on program of extensive outreach during planning and continued these efforts throughout all phases. ODOT used innovative methods to ensure that the project was effectively communicated to the impacted communities and that local concerns were addressed. This presentation will focus on the efforts that were utilized, including development of a voluntary residential relocation assistance program; use of Environmental Justice Mitigation measures; use of Value-based Design-Build delivery to leverage unprecedented levels of diversity, inclusion, workforce development and business expansion; a unique funding approach that allowed these non-federally eligible items to be incorporated into the project. The presentation will also highlight some of the design and construction challenges, before and after conditions, and redevelopment efforts underway.
Matt Wahl
- 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- Agency Partnerships Using Design-Build: Washington State DOT I-405 and Sound Transit Bus Rapid Transit
- In Washington State’s Central Puget Sound Region, Sound Transit and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) are partnering to deliver high-capacity transit (HCT) along Interstate highway 405 (I-405) using the Design-Build method of project delivery. Establishing this partnership is a significant contribution to the region’s transportation and transit goals; implementing HCT in this corridor east of Lake Washington is part of WSDOT’s I-405 Master Plan and Sound Transit’s long-range plan. With the creation of Sound Transit’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Program in 2017, WSDOT’s and Sound Transit’s respective programs spent several years discussing each agency’s individual projects, goals, schedules, funding sources, stakeholder obligations, typical delivery methods and agency cultures. The result has been the identification of four distinct joint design-build projects and a high-performing dual agency team that is implementing these projects. This presentation will describe our journey through this partnership and the resulting projects. We will discuss our early engagement as a nascent Sound Transit BRT program had to quickly sync up with a long-standing and rapidly moving WSDOT I-405 program leading to the first set of BRT platform requirements in WSDOT’s design-build requests for proposals (RFPs).
Barrett Hanson, Diana Giraldo
- 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Maximizing Value and Innovation: Using In-Market Proprietary Meetings Effectively
- Proprietary meetings during the in-market phase of a design-build procurement are one of the most impactful and cost-effective tools for maximizing project value and innovation, particularly in transportation and aviation projects, where typical pre-engineering activities create significant opportunities for participants to utilize Alternative Technical Concepts. For Owners, these meetings are a means to receive direct input from proposers on the solicitation materials and technical challenges of the project, and to preview potential technical solutions – with significantly less effort and less paperwork. For Design-Build Teams, these meetings are a means to preview the Owner’s response to potential proposal concepts and allow the Design-Build Team to focus its energies on the most responsive technical concepts without exposing unique technical solutions to competitors. This panel will offer insights into the benefits to the Owner and Design-Build Team of conducting effective proprietary meetings, as well as potential pitfalls, and will address specific best practices employed by Owners and Design-Build Teams to promote open dialogue that enhances competition and boosts proposal and project value.
Sean Gellhaus
Friday, April 19
- 8 a.m. - 9 a.m.
- One Team. One Goal. Different Roles.
- This presentation will examine GDOT’s approach to managing the $700M Design-Build-Finance I-285/I-20 East Interchange Project in metro Atlanta, GA. Owner Verification Team and Developer perspectives will be presented. Owner Verification Team project stand-up activities (from pre-let/procurement phases through the initial post-let period) will be discussed and how those activities shaped the Owner’s Project Management Team (PMT) for their role on the project. The Developer will also discuss their stand-up activities – beginning during the procurement phase activities (one-on-one meetings, written Q&A process, ATCs, etc.) through the early post-award activities. The combined efforts of the Owner and Developer to jointly form a collocated team for the project following the execution of the Project Agreement will be described. This will include the logistical challenges of the rapid build-out of a 33,000 sq. ft. project office and establishing the basis of the design to allow design efforts and NEPA re-evaluation efforts to advance. We'll also discuss how a formal Partnering process and a Dispute Review Board have been implemented to aid communications and team-building to keep the project moving forward. Insights on how these two distinctly different tools have been utilized and how they have each complimented the other will be explored.
Aparajita Pothula, Charles Duggar

Aparajita Pothula
Barrett Hanson
Barrett currently oversees the design for over $1.5 billion in complex highway, interchange Design-Build projects for the I-405/SR 167 Megaprogram in WA, as design director. In this role, he is responsible for review and oversight of the contracts, negotiations and interagency cooperation including leading innovative practical solutions workshops with partners. He has served many project management roles, from contract management to the creation of environmental and request for proposal documents and master planning processes.
Charles Duggar
Diana GiraldoAssoc. Vice President
Diana is a Project Manager, with 20 years of experience, providing design, contract writing, and project management services. She has been part of the I-405 WSDOT team for more than 15 years, in roles as roadway lead, contract lead, design and engineering manager, during design and construction, most recently managing the design for the I-405/132nd and I-405/85th interchange and BRT station projects, she oversees all disciplines for the preliminary engineering and design-build contract development.
Matt WahlSenior project manager