State DOT Roundtable during ITS America 2021

HNTB is the premier sponsor of this important discussion, where state department of transportation executives in charge of ITS deployment decisions will discuss their experiences, successes, failures, challenges, and other lessons learned in launching projects and preparing infrastructure to meet and support future mobility demands.

HNTB’s John Barton moderates an impressive panel of experts including:

  • Roger Millar, Secretary, Washington State Department of Transportation
  • Ed Sniffen, Deputy Director, Hawaii Department of Transportation
  • Kevin Thibault, Secretary of Transportation, Florida Department of Transportation
  • Julie Lorenz, Secretary Kansas Department of Transportation
  • Scott Marler, Director, Iowa Department of Transportation
  • Dallas Hammit, Deputy Director, Arizona Department of Transportation
  • Diane Guitierrez-Scaccetti, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Transportation
  • Justin Reese, Deputy Secretary, New Mexico Department of Transportation
  • Beau Memory, Chief Operations Officer, North Carolina Department of Transportation
  • Laura Chace, President and CEO, ITS America
  • Jim Tymon, Executive Director, AASHTO