HNTB is developing the US 52 Bus Rapid Transit Feasibility Study on behalf of the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. This study assesses the potential for enhancing public transit along the approximately 22-mile US 52 Corridor from North Charleston to Goose Creek and Moncks Corner. It will explore the potential for implementing a bus rapid transit system in the corridor, aiming to connect with the planned Lowcountry Rapid Transit system in North Charleston, which is now in final design.  

As part of the study, HNTB is examining corridor alignments, station locations, funding options, design features, local feeder transit services and overall program implementation strategies. Post-Covid ridership recovery for current service and micro transit analysis are also part of the scope. 

The feasibility study's impact is significant as the population along the corridor is expected to increase by approximately 70 percent by 2040. This growth reflects the need for targeted transit solutions that address the region's varying demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. 

For stakeholders already living, working and traveling in the corridor, the study team will implement a comprehensive engagement strategy to gather public input and target efforts for Title VI, environmental justice, limited English proficiency and disadvantaged communities. 

The US 52 Corridor Study aims to establish a vision for future growth by assessing current conditions and defining the relationship between the roadway and adjacent land, much of which is in rural Berkeley County. The study will provide comprehensive infrastructure improvements, strategies, policy recommendations, and detailed funding and implementation plans. It will also offer multimodal solutions to enhance safety and mobility while supporting coordinated land use and preservation across the region.

Client: Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCG)

Location: South Carolina

Services: Multimodal systems planning and programming; transit oriented development; PIU and communication