HNTB prepared a Phase I engineering and environmental study for improvements to I-90 from the junction of I-190 east to IL 43 (Harlem Avenue), a length of approximately 2 miles. The existing expressway cross-section is typically three lanes in each direction with shoulders and the CTA rail lines in the median. Five lanes exist in the eastbound direction between I-190 and Cumberland Avenue and four lanes in the westbound direction within the same limits.
The study was processed as a Categorical Exclusion and included a project report, location drainage study, crash analysis, existing retaining wall condition reports, lighting study report, traffic management plan and a noise analysis technical report. Extensive coordination also occurred with the public and agencies, including Chicago Office of Underground Construction (OUC), Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Chicago Department of Water Management (CDWM), Chicago Fire Department, Pace and Illinois Tollway following IDOT's CSS process.
HNTB provided Phase II design documents (as a continuation of Phase I design) for the widening and resurfacing of I-90 from I-190 to Harlem Avenue, which includes:
- Roadway widening to provide an additional travel lane to the outside in both directions on the existing alignment.
- Reconfiguration of the Cumberland Interchange to barrier separate traffic between westbound I-90 and I-190 to develop a collector distributer road for westbound traffic.
- Extensive coordination with CDWM and CTA for design and construction staging to relocate a 24” and 48” watermain under the expressway and CTA Blue Line via pipe jacking due to the impacts related with widening.
- Modification of the existing drainage system to drain the additional lanes and provide detention through in-line storage which required design phasing between the eastbound and westbound contacts for jacking a 48” pipe under the expressway and CTA tracks.
Additional Improvements included ramp reconstruction and new signing, lighting, retaining wall design, traffic signal improvements, ITS design, ADA design, noise abatement walls and construction of barrier support structure for the noise abatement walls.
Location: Illinois
Client: Illinois Department of Transportation