The Susquehanna River Bridge is a part of Amtrak’s implementation strategy for the next generation of high-speed rail passenger service from New York to Washington D.C.

Critical to the Northeast Corridor (NEC), America’s busiest passenger rail corridor, the Susquehanna Bridge currently serves 110 Amtrak and Maryland Area Regional Commuter (MARC) passenger rail and freight lines daily.

Providing conceptual and preliminary engineering, NEPA screening and final design of Amtrak’s Susquehanna River Bridge, HNTB has worked alongside Amtrak to design 4,000-foot, two-track, twin bridges spanning the Susquehanna River, providing four-track capacity. This new, updated infrastructure will improve trip time, safety, reliability and support the region’s economic growth.

HNTB produced conceptual-level designs and feasibility schemes during the first part of the project, and is currently preparing final design of the preferred alternative that was determined
during the NEPA process. Track, signal, OCS, power, inspection and structures design, estimating and constructability elements are included in the project deliverables.

Location: Maryland

Client: Amtrak

Services: Conceptual and preliminary engineering, final design, NEPA,  estimating and constructability services