HNTB partnered with the Texas Department of Transportation to help them advance the implementation of select Statewide Truck Parking Study recommendations and action plans.
Services included the development of an industry and public sector stakeholder engagement plan; an implementation framework for policy, program and project recommendations; a statewide truck parking capacity expansion plan and corridor truck parking plans. Services also included advancing truck parking program and policy recommendations, implementing truck parking and emerging technologies and the development of a statewide truck parking availability systems plan.
HNTB also worked with TxDOT to implement additional priorities including:
I-10 Truck Parking Availability System — Supporting TxDOT and the I-10 Corridor Coalition with the implementation of a truck parking system at 37 public rest areas along this interstate that connects Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.
Regional truck parking action plans — Leading the development of two action plans, one focused on the Houston-Galveston region and another focused on El Paso and other portions of West Texas. Work included developing local guidelines and ordinance language; working with economic development agencies to document the business case for including truck parking facilities as part of large-scale industrial developments; identifying public-private partnership opportunities for additional truck parking capacity; and facilitating discussions between various stakeholders to meet the demand for truck parking while mitigating potential community impacts.
Location: Texas
Client: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
Services:Freight and goods mobility; funding and finance; PI and communications